An Idaho dad’s heartbreaking Facebook post about the bullying his 7-year-old son endures at school as a result of a medical condition has gone viral and will hopefully spark a much needed conversation between parents and children about the dangerous power of negative words and actions.

Dan Bezzant’s son Jackson suffers from Treacher Collins syndrome, which adversely affects the development of bone and tissue in the face. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the condition impacts an estimated 1 in 50,000 people and results in downward slanting eyes, vision and hearing loss, and other developmental abnormalities.

Since going back to school this fall, Jackson has apparently been expressing sadness and showing signs of depression over the merciless physical and mental bullying he is suffering at the hands of his classmates as a result of his appearance. Last week, Bezzant poured his heart out in a Facebook post, pleading with his fellow parents to talk to their kids and educate them as to the profound impact their words and opinions can have on others.

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